Free webinars on WEEE legislation and Circolaraee software - Lifeweee
Free webinars on WEEE legislation and Circolaraee software
Two mornings dedicated to businesses: 14 and 20 May 2021

All interested companies can follow one of the 2 free webinars by Ecocerved on WEEE legislation and presentation of the CircolaRAEE software, scheduled for 14 and 20 May 2021; these are two reruns, so it is possible to choose which event you prefer to participate in.
Ecocerved within the LIFE WEEE project has developed a software to facilitate the administrative procedures for small and medium-sized enterprises involved in the WEEE collection phase (retailers, installers and technical assistance centres).
The software is a web application ( which allows you to fill in and connect waste loading/unloading forms and transport documents, but also to have management control and reporting tools available on the data entered. Currently, the complete version of the application is reserved for companies registered in category 3-bis of the Register of Environmental Managers who refer to the Tuscany Section, consistently with the territorial scope of the project. However, the testing activities are nearing completion and the project plans to make the software available to companies in any region of Italy.