Chamber of Commerce of Florence - Lifeweee
Chamber of Commerce of Florence
The mission of Florence’s Chamber of Commerce (C.C.I.A.A. Firenze) consists in carrying out functions of general interest within the private business system. Florence’s Chamber of Commerce carries out important functions in the administrative area, offers enterprises a full range of services to facilitate market intelligence and skilled training, to stimulate companies and businesses in innovative efforts and to support business trade relations in Italy and abroad.
Its main functions are: Administration services; Promotional activities; Analysis, studies on the local market; Market regulation functions; Entrepreneurial training; Development of metropolitan infrastructures.As “home of the enterprises of Florence” and governmental institution, it guarantees protection to the local market and the correct development of economical and commercial transactions; these important duties assure the safeguard of firms, enterprises, consumers and workers. The Legislative Decree 152/06 established the creation of the Italian Register of Environmental Operators, held by the Ministry of environment and protection of land and sea. The Register is composed of a National Committee, at the Ministry, and regional and provincial Departments, at the Chambers of Commerce in each regional capital.
The National Committee and the regional and Provincial Departments are linked thanks to the Chambers of Commerce online network. Therefore, Florence Chamber of Commerce has the responsibility of managing the Register of Environmental Operators in all Tuscany Region. In the environment sector Florence Chamber of Commerce is entitled by Italian Environment Ministry to manage the Tuscan Regional Register where enterprises have to enrol compulsory if they operate in Collection and transport of WAEE. Legislative Decree 49/2014, and Leg. Decree 121/2016 transposing directive 2012/19/UE on management of WEEE.