Regione Toscana - Lifeweee
Regione Toscana
Tuscany Region is the regional body and has important functions, such as legislation, regulation, financial support, development of specific projects. Within other priority objectives, Tuscany Region pursues the respect of ecological balance, protection of the environment and of natural heritage and the conservation of biodiversity (Art. 4, Statute of the Region of Tuscany). In relation to the management of waste, the regional government has the responsibility to approve and coordinate the "Regional plan for waste management and remediation of contaminated sites (PRB)". The PRB, prepared as indicated by Regional Law 25/1998 and Legislative Decree 152/2006, is the unitary programming instrument through which the region in an integrated way defines the policies on waste prevention, recycling, recovery and disposal as well as management of polluted sites to be reclaimed. The latest PRB approved on 18 November 2014, by the Regional Council (resolution no. 94) sets as a priority the full application of the European legislation (and collection targets set within) on waste management by 2020. Within the LIFE WEEE project the Tuscany Region will be responsible, together with ANCI Tuscany of the development of an Integrated Governance Model for WEEE collection with the ambitious objective to revise and approve the latest "Regional plan for waste management and remediation of contaminated sites (PRB)", as well as give institutional support to local governments in harmonisation of municipal regulations for waste management. In addition, the Tuscany Region will coordinate communication and dissemination activities of the project.