Training for SMEs - Lifeweee
Training for SMEs
Practical cases and telematic tools
The video course for WEEE management, for distributors, installers, maintenance technicians and technical assistance centers is online (for companies operating in Italy).
The Florence Chamber of Commerce between 2018, 2019 and 2020 organizes 15 seminars for companies (distributors, installers and carriers of WEEE), to provide them with information on the regulations governing the management of WEEE. The seminars will take place at least one per province throughout the Tuscan territory and participation for SMEs is free of charge.
The event training is focused on:
- The administrative obligations required from the companies (organization of the place of grouping, keeping of files and transport documents, etc.);
- Technical management aspects (characteristics of temporary storage, quantitative limits for simplified management);
- The documentary estate (file, transport documents);
- Authorizations and registrations necessary for the performance of activities related to the management of WEEE;
- The system of roles of responsibility of the different actors involved in the management of WEEE, with particular reference to the sanctions (analysis of judgments of interest)
- The management methods annexed to the methods of collection "1 to 1" and "1 to 0".
Past events were scheduled in 2018: Florence (June 22), Pistoia (June 25), Livorno (September 17), Grosseto (September 28), in Prato (October 12). In 2019: Florence (February 14), Grosseto (February 22), Massa-Carrara (February 25), Arezzo (March 25), Livorno (March 27).
To participate in next seminars VISIT THE WEBSITE and register in the preferred province!
Companies can download, in pdf format, the WEEE MANAGEMENT GUIDE (only in Italian): an indispensable manual dedicated to distributors, sellers, installers and technical assistance centers for a correct management of WEEE, with all the detailed information on the reference legislation, the open scope, the simplified management, the necessary documents and the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Companies with a greener vocation can join the Green Network and be included in the LIFE WEEE APP.
To enter your company, with considerable advantages in terms of visibility, just fill in the following form and you will be contacted:
For more information:
TEL. 334631562 - 055239248
SKYPE life.ambiente
The Life Weee Training for SMEs on line with Granducato Toscana TV