What changes in Italy in the management of the Rae from 15 August 2018 - Lifeweee
What changes in Italy in the management of the Rae from 15 August 2018
Simple and unambiguous criteria for operators

On 15 August 2018 the "open field" of application of Legislative Decree 49/2014 enters into force in Italy, as required by Directive 2012/19 / EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment.
The Ministry of the Environment with the Supervisory and Control Committee for the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment and of batteries and accumulators has decided to offer its own contribution to clarify and simplify the obligations of producers and importers with regard to the correct placement of products which could fall within the scope of WEEE legislation.
The document seeks to identify simple and unambiguous criteria by which operators can correctly classify their products.
If the indications contained in the document are found to be insufficient to establish whether or not certain equipment falls within the scope of Legislative Decree 49/2014, the manufacturer may request the Supervisory and Control Committee to express itself. To this end, the manufacturer can send a request, accompanied by a brief description of the equipment together with the product card and images thereof, to the pec address of the committee: segreteria.comitatoraeepile@ispra.legalmail.it.