Third seminar for training supervisory bodies - Lifeweee
Third seminar for training supervisory bodies
15th and 18th October 2019 in Scarperia

The training course addressed to the Supervisory Bodies, primarily Local Police, concerning environmental surveillance to promote interventions to prevent and combat illegal waste disposal in general and WEEE in particular, continues. The third event is divided into two days - Tuesday 15th and Friday 18th October - in Scarperia . The initiative is organised by the Interregional School of Police and promoted by ANCI TOSCANA as part of the LIFE WEEE project: the aim is to increase the effectiveness of the services provided to citizens in the context of waste management activities and supervision of the territory to counteract dumping of WEEE.
When it comes to WEEE, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, proper recycling - which follows the standards of a certified and controlled supply chain - represents the basis for avoiding not only waste and illicit activities, but for guaranteeing waste management in total safety (so as to contain the risks for citizens and reduce the environmental impact). Unfortunately, the treatment of this type of waste is not always optimal: theft, cannibalisation, ineffectiveness of controls and inadequate preparation of workers in the sector (Police and other involved figures) mean that thousands of tons of technological waste pass outside our borders without the correct recycling procedures or safety measures being implemented.
A further food for thought comes from the analysis of the report "Holes in the circular economy” created by Ban Basel Action Network, which highlights the paradox in which Europe holds the top spot for the highest rate of collection and recycling of WEEE worldwide (35%), while "losing sight" of 350 thousand tons per year of this waste illegally exported outside of Europe. Often these end their journey in the open landfills of sub-Saharan countries, such as Nigeria and Ghana, where they are burnt in an attempt to be resold or are used for the extraction of precious metals, with the environmental consequences that are easy to imagine: heavy pollution from lead, dioxin and other lethal pollutants.
It therefore seems necessary to intervene so that the creation of basic awareness that results in the proper preparation (social and legal) in all the components of the "control chain", from producers to the bodies intended to supervise the territory (mainly Police), is possible.
The objectives of this work (carried out in collaboration between the Interregional School of Local Police of the Emilia Romagna, Liguria and Tuscany Regions and ANCI National Association of Italian Municipalities, together with the Tuscany Region), are concentrated as follows:
1. For "non-experts", to promote a basic collective awareness of the problems related to the correct management of WEEE so as to educate public opinion on conscious social and environmental choices.
2. For the bodies in charge of the decision-making process, to ensure correct information and awareness of the problem in question, so as to be able to act on environmental education policies and correct recovery of WEEE.
3. For the supervisory bodies (Police), to provide specialised technical and legal knowledge on environmental protection by observing the phenomena happening in the areas under their competence, producing actions to prevent and combat illegal waste disposal in general and WEEE in particular. In this latter aspect, in particular, the goal was set to reach and train at least 200 Local Police Officers and Agents for the year 2019, with the forecast of a further growing number for 2020, the year immediately prior to the expected entry into force (01.01.2021) of the European Regulation.
Participation is free, after filling in and sending the registration form to the address
for further information you can contact Mr Michele Cicalini, at number +39 059 285135.