Lifeweee Playground@school - Lifeweee
Lifeweee Playground@school
Participatory planning for schools

The LIFE WEEE communication campaign dedicated to the world of Playground@school develops in two main directions:
a) the first one, dedicated to the IV and V classes of the 2nd grade secondary schools in Tuscany, consists in the realization of 20 training events of about 4 hours whose objective is to contribute to the knowledge of WEEE, of the connected environmental problems and of the correct ones management procedures. The in-depth topics concern the possible re-use and recovery of WEEE as well as the analysis of the environmental benefits deriving from the correct management of WEEE. The general vision through which the laboratory is developed includes the professional possibilities related to the recovery of materials.
b) the second, which we have chosen to dedicate to classes IV and V of primary and secondary schools, concerns the involvement of teachers from Tuscan schools for the organization of a self-managed lesson in which they will be supported by the supply of a teachers kit, composed of heterogeneous materials (information sheets, questionnaires, educational games, stories) to which teachers can access to develop a personalized WEEE lesson based on their sensitivity, taste and skills.
The campaign was designed by the school for the school: with the coordination of the Regional Scholastic Office of Tuscany the teachers were the protagonists in the creation of the contents, the choice of materials and their graphic design.
Playground@school has developed around the key words "KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE and COMPETENCE" in order to:
- favor the dematerialization of knowledge, trying to avoid, as far as possible, the production of paper material
- favor and privilege experiences over frontal lessons
- foster the competence of teaching professionals; the teachers of some Tuscan schools have worked to develop the materials of the Teachers kit in a common planning path.
LIFEWEEE has decided not to produce printed material: from this page and from the Tools section it is possible to access the kit materials (only in Italian at the moment), view them and download them or download just a few and organize a lesson with your own class or even one or more days of WEEE events which may also involve the Institute.