The latest free WEEE high school seminars are available - Lifeweee
The latest free WEEE high school seminars are available
Organised with Fab Lab Florence
Tuscany Region, Local Public Services, Energy and Pollution Sector, as part of the LIFE WEEE project, is selecting a limited number of Tuscan high schools to which it can offer the latest free meetings on WEEE, organized with FAB LAB Florence.
We are talking about theoretical-experiential workshops designed for high school children, among the major users of electrical and electronic equipment today and tomorrow.
Given the time and the possible difficulties in organizing face-to-face meetings, the teachers are available both in the classroom and online: it is possible to schedule either one way or the other unless changed during the course if different needs arise.
In short, considering it a central theme in the life of environmentally aware and friendly citizens, and given the opportunity to offer seminars only during the 1st quarter of the school year just started, we believe this opportunity should not be missed. Regardless of the progress in teaching methods, thanks also to the skills that the school world has developed over the last year, LIFE WEEE together with the TUSCANY REGION expects to complete the meetings.
Interested teachers or heads of schools in Tuscany can write to Dr. Manrico Benelli, and to Dr. Barbara Codacci
Applications will be accepted in order of receipt until availability is exhausted.